Three Earn Coveted Lion’s Band Spots

Three JA band members have been honored with spots on the 2017 Mississippi Lion’s All-State Band, which travels internationally each summer for competition. Claire Ross, Alexander Schott, and Bryant Thaxton will join other musicians from across Mississippi as they represent our state and their school. Bryant earned first chair in tuba, Alex earned second chair in trombone and Claire earned third chair in dance. Congratulations! For more information, see the Lion’s Band website at

JA Students Sign Athletic Scholarships

A large crowd gathered in the Learning Commons this past Wednesday to watch Conner Beth Ball, Conley Chinn, Wilson Furr, and Meredith Roberts make official their intent to play college sports. Students, coaches, parents, grandparents, relatives, faculty/staff, and members of the media were on hand to celebrate with the student athletes on National Signing Day.

Conner Beth Ball signed with the University of Mississippi in golf; Conley Chinn signed with Belmont University for basketball; Wilson Furr will join the golf team at the University of Alabama; and Meredith Roberts will play tennis at Texas Christian University.


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JA Nabs Two Dandy Dozen Nods


Congratulations to senior Conley Chinn and junior Michael Barber for being named to the Clarion-Ledger Dandy Dozen for the upcoming basketball season. In addition, senior Lauran Sheriff was named to the list “40 Other Seniors to Watch” and junior Deja Bradford was listed as one of “20 Underclassmen to Watch.” Congratulations, all!

Monday, November 14 at JA at the Village

Live Music by Jim Tomlinson, JA alumnus

A special JA event is scheduled Monday at the Highland Village courtyard: Raider Network will broadcast during JA at the Village with live music provided by Jim Tomlinson, a 1995 JA alumnus. The event offers refreshments, games, and interviews featuring JA students, faculty, alumni, and school programs. Alumni, JA families, faculty/staff, students, and friends are invited to attend.

Special Reception for Alumni to Catch Up with Faculty and Friends
Alumni will also gather for a special catered reception during the event. Alumni, come catch up with JA friends, enjoy some great food, and see what’s going on with your alma mater.
Pre-broadcast activities and refreshments begin at 4:30 p.m. The broadcast starts at 5:30 p.m.

The Retreat begins this Weekend

The student-led fall retreat, Illuminate, is scheduled for November 11-13. The inspiration behind the theme is Matthew 5:16 that encourages Christians to let their light shine. Students in grades seven through twelve may attend. The retreat will take place on the JA campus with a community service activity off site. As with previous years, students will spend the night in host homes.

Students can sign up at this link:

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