Reading and Writing

Developing a love of reading is a priority in the third grade. In addition to the classroom readers, there is an in-depth study of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House in the Big Woods, which includes churning butter, creating paper quilts, and making paper dolls. The unit culminates with all third graders square dancing, reciting poetry, singing songs, and presenting memorable scenes from the book in a program for their parents. Other chapter books the students read are the classic tale of Charlotte’s Web and Beverly Cleary’s lovable book The Mouse and the Motorcycle.

In English, the students learn synonyms, antonyms, capitalization, punctuation, contractions, and dictionary skills. Students utilize their English skills by writing paragraphs and stories throughout the school year. Students also learn cursive handwriting in third grade.


In Singapore math, students develop multiplication and division skills throughout the year. Reinforcement lessons sharpen their skills in problem solving, addition and subtraction using multi-digit numbers, measurement using standard and metric units, fractions and decimals, and other areas.


In third grade, students study science and engineering in our lower school STEM lab which they visit twice weekly.  Working collaboratively  in groups of four, each “crew” is based on a NASA model.  Missions (units) covered include space, matter, animals, energy, bridges, air and water, body systems, electricity, dinosaurs and fossils, aviation and contraptions.  Students also explore robotics through the Lego WeDo program.

Social Studies

Social Studies is taught using field trips and hands-on experiences such as the famous American biography presentation and parade.