Chaplin John Hugh Tate

Chapel is designed to encourage and equip students to grow stronger in their spiritual lives. Upper and Middle School services are organized and led by John Hugh Tate, school chaplain and teacher of the Upper School Bible elective. Chapel choir is student led, and students interested in participating in a time of sharing during chapel should contact Rev. Tate. Jackson Academy alumni frequently come back for chapel services and provide encouraging messages for students. Parents are invited to attend chapel.

Upper and Middle School chapel services are held on selected Tuesdays throughout the year at 9:30 a.m. in the Performing Arts Center. Upper School and Middle School students attend four required chapel services per year with additional chapel attendance being voluntary.

Lower School students attend chapel once per month, generally on the first Wednesday of the month. Chapel is mandatory in the Lower School, and interweaves ethics around a yearly theme — such as “Your Family Tree” or “Friendship” — chosen to appeal to younger children’s understanding of spirituality.

The Upper, Middle, and Lower School Chapel services can be viewed on the School Calendar below:

Jackson Academy School Calendar