Alpha and Omega Cheer for Teachers and Students


Seniors and kindergarten students in Alpha and Omega attended the faculty-student basketball games together this past week. They cheered and watched games between female faculty and Upper School girls and male faculty and Upper School boys. The games were competitive and close in score, which made the event all the more exciting! Ultimately, getting to spend time with their Alpha and Omega friend was the most fun of all.

Click here to view the entire photo album from the game on Facebook.

JA Announces Vice President and Dean of the School Appointment


Jackson Academy President Cliff Kling has announced that Jack F. Milne has been named Vice President and Dean of the School. Milne will fill the role of senior administrator overseeing academics, arts, athletics, and student life upon the retirement of JA’s current Headmaster, Pat Taylor, in May 2017.

“Jack brings a wealth of experience and an impressive skill set to Jackson Academy after having served for 16 years at one of our country’s leading independent schools, The Bolles School in Jacksonville, Florida,” said Kling. “During the interview process, it was immediately very obvious to the search committee that his student-centered philosophy, his teaching background, his relational skills, and his leadership experience are an excellent fit for Jackson Academy.”

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Eight Students Represent Their Communities in Leadership Programs

leadership-program-1Each year, JA is proud to have several students chosen to participate in youth leadership programs across the Jackson metropolitan area. This year Trussell Jones, Charles Beneke, and Mary Mitchell have all been inducted into the Youth Leadership Jackson program. Chloe Owens has been chosen to serve on the Mayor’s Youth Council. Blaine Bowman and Maggie Smith have been selected for the Madison County Youth Leadership Class. Meredith McClellan and Grace Gebhart have been named Ridgeland Chamber of Commerce Junior Diplomats.

Each program has its own goals of inspiring students to become better leaders, business people, and upstanding citizens who give back to their communities. Through various workshops, seminars, community service projects, and adult-leader interaction, these students receive training and increased awareness on the positive effects of exemplary leadership as well as leadership opportunities in their respective communities. An important emphasis is placed on education and community service in each of these programs.

Three Students Participate in Notable Science Event

Kaylan Sanders, Elizabeth Scott, and Allie Perkins

Elizabeth Scott (senior), Allie Perkins (junior), and Kaylan Sanders (sophomore) were selected to participate in the highly notable Perry Initiative all-day event November 5. This competitive program selects only certain applicants around the country to participate in an educational event during which female students learn hands-on about the fields of orthopedic surgery and engineering. The Perry Initiative’s mission through these events is to inspire girls to explore the fields of orthopedics and engineering as the number of females in these fields has dwindled. The event took place on November 5 in 30 cities around the country; the JA students attended the event at UMMC.

Cross Country Honors Team Members at Banquet

Cross country has wrapped up another great season with impressive finishes for both girls and boys. The Raiders finished second at the MAIS State Championship, while the Lady Raiders finished fourth. Hunter Murray coaches cross country. Team captains for the year were Phillip Talley and Win Varner.

Varsity and junior varsity awards presented at the recent banquet include the following:

  • Francie LeDuff and Phillip Talley (Varsity MVP)
  • Elena Roberts and Emery Thigpen (JV MVP)
  • Hayden Allen (Varsity Most Improved)
  • Rett Stanley, Anne Barret Roberson, and Pryor Mehrle (JV Most Improved)
  • Tre Lewis, Reed Travelstead, Ferriday Rose Green, and Lauren Anne Smith (Raider Award)
  • Ramey Hogue (Higgins Award)
  • Mason Glaze (JA Challenge)