Homecoming 2013

Homecoming 2013

Homecoming 2013 is this Friday, September 20. Students in ninth through twelfth grade have designated dress up themes for Tuesday-Friday. Homecoming T-shirts are available in the Middle School and Upper School offices. Proceeds from the t-shirt, pizza, and Chick-Fil-A sales this week will benefit the Mustard Seed and CARA. Students are encouraged to bring pet food this week to “line the field” at the pep rally for CARA.

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Giving back by connecting with Service and Learning

Taylor Hawks

Quite a few students at Jackson Academy make service a priority. By helping others in need and supporting important causes, students are challenged to become responsible citizens who strengthen their communities and improve society.

One student who has a heart for endangered animals has found a way to put her concern into action. Freshman Taylor Hawks raised $1,000 last semester selling cupcakes during break. Proceeds were donated to the World Wildlife Fund.

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Students develop abilities to inform, entertain, or inspire with video

Will Goss and Ally ThigpenInstructor Will Goss and senior Ally Thigpen

Students in JA’s film analysis, animation, and interactive media classes are developing literacy in a medium that is all around us. “Video is an integral part of contemporary society. Media literacy will someday become as important as being able to read,” says Will Goss, Upper School film/media instructor.

And while video usage has rapidly gained momentum, JA students have just as quickly learned the concepts and skills necessary to produce videos that inform, entertain, or inspire.

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