Middle and Upper School Christmas Project

The Middle School has adopted several families, including approximately a dozen children, through the Good Samaritan Center. Faculty member Anne Keenan, the Middle School Student Council sponsor, is coordinating this annual service project and will help Middle School volunteers sort, organize, and wrap gifts for these children. The Upper School Student Council has offered to help with this project and is also collecting items for the families. To create a special Christmas for these families, the student councils are asking Middle and Upper School students to send any of the following:
  • New, unwrapped items with receipt attached (to exchange, if duplicated). If you prefer to buy a specific item from the child’s wish list, please contact Anne Keena atakeenan@jacksonacademy.org and she will be happy to let you pick something from the listings.
  • Gift cards to Walmart, Target, Kroger, or fast-food restaurants such as Chick-Fil-A, McDonald’s, and Wendy’s.
  • Cash or checks (made payable to Jackson Academy) to help buy items such as bicycles, clothes, and coats.

The students will be collecting items until December 18!

Financial Aid and College Scholarships Meeting

An informational meeting, Paying for College: Financial Aid and College Scholarships, will be held Thursday, December 5, from 12:00-1:00 p.m. in the Black Box Theatre located in the PAC.
Parents of juniors and seniors are invited to attend.

National Honor and National Junior Honor Societies

Congratulations to students inducted in November into the Jackson Academy Chapter of the National Honor Society of Secondary Schools and the National Junior Honor Society of Secondary Schools.

National Honor and Junior Honor Society Inductees

National Honor Society New Members 

12th Grade
Reagan Bartely Meliah Grant
Alexis Brantley William Hontzas
11th Grade
William Bell Allie King
Hunter Berry John Sharp Kirk
Blake Brennan Hannah Jane LeDuff
Caroline Burford Purav Maisuria
Elizabeth Burford Jake Manning
Gordon Campbell Suzie Raines
Matthew Campbell Thad Scott
Kristen Clower Mary Brooks Thigpen
Annie Edgecombe Will Tribble
Grady Fisher Will Varner
Davis Guild Ann Elizabeth Walker
Maris Hardee Leighton Whitehead
Maggie Hubbard Matt Whitfield
Steven Irby Lauren Williams


National Junior Honor Society New Members

9th Grade
Conner Beth Ball Abbie Knighton
Grace Herfurth Grace Parry
Olivia Rule
8th Grade
Sara Brooks Adams Emma Lucas
Avery Anderson Dolph Maxwell
Janise Bennett Meredith McClellan
Blaine Bowman James McLemore
Hadley Brennan Gracie Meck
Caroline Childress Blake Mills
Sam Ciaccio Gage Morgan
Kellan Clower Lindsey Nosef
Hannah Collums Walker Pedigo
Frances Anne Fortner Warren Scott
Cailynn Gregory Maggie Smith
Grayson Hewes Olivia Stringer
Meredith Anne Hornsby Emma Ward
Lacey Irby Brehan Whitehead
Will Laird Anna Claire Williams
Braden Lewis Morgan Williams

Senior William Crasto Shares West Nile Virus Story

Senior William Crasto West Nile Virus StorySenior William Crasto with Librarian Suzie Adcock and students in the Lower School Library

Senior William Crasto recently donated a copy of the newly released book Nature’s Deadliest: The Mosquito to the JA Lower School Library. The Mosquito is one of a series of eighteen children’s books produced by Bellwether Media out of Minneapolis, Minn. This series was created to inform children of dangerous animals and includes books on the black widow spider, the great white shark, killer bees, and saltwater crocodiles. In 2007, William contracted the West Nile virus from a mosquito bite and spent several years recovering from this life-threatening illness. After being interviewed by the author, William’s story, along with photos, was featured in the book.

Quarter One Honor Rolls

Seventh Grade
Honor Roll:
Ashlyn Adair, Addison Avdoyan, Ashley Brown, Samantha Brown, Ellie Brent Cartwright, Rebecca McRee Costas, Daniel Courtney, Jack Crisler, Cam Diket, Camille Felder, Sarah Fisher, Owen Fracchia, Jarvon Gaines, Charlie Gautier, Jack Gideon, Ansley Hill, Ramey Hogue, Katherine Kelly, Celeste Knighton, Sean Lackey, Francie LeDuff, Nayan Malhotra, Latham Nance, Richard Newman, John Porch, McKinna Powell, Emory Rhodes, Will Thomas, Venice Williams
Academy Honor Roll: Skylar Alexander, Ashton Berry, Elliott Butler, Jasmyne Cleaver, Lucy Clement, Camille Couey, Mary Beth Dyess, Avery Hederman, Erin Hederman, Megan Lacey, Lexi Lomax, Anne Marie Lundy, Ashley Manning, Kit McCormack, Preston McWilliams, Brandon Miller, Gabrielle Morris, Charlotte Palmer, Will Spence, Webb Strickland, Mary Lindley Tharp, Mary Parker Williams

Eighth Grade
Honor Roll:
Janise Bennett, Caroline Childress, Kellan Clower, Hannah Collums, Frances Anne Fortner, Grayson Hewes, Meredith Anne Hornsby, Baker Kirkland, Will Laird, Braden Lewis, Bailey Magee, Meredith McClellan, Elizabeth McCubbins, James McLemore, Gracie Meck, Blake Mills, Gage Morgan, Lindsey Nosef, Walker Pedigo, Jeffery Richburg, Maggie Smith, Brehan Whitehead, Anna Claire Williams
Academy Honor Roll
: Avery Anderson, Blaine Bowman, Hadley Brennan, Sam Ciaccio, Lacey Irby, Dolph Maxwell, Olivia Stringer, Emma Ward, Morgan Williams

Ninth Grade
Honor Roll:
Parker Alexander, Conner Beth Ball, Catherine Burford, Jessi Cooper, Emily Earle, Rob Elliott, Chelsea Francois, Wilson Furr, Abigail Giddens, Jackson Golden, Austin Ishee, Emily Iupe, Mary Hunter Johnston, Abbie Knighton, Ethan Mangum, Claire McClure, Emily McNair, William Mitchell, Kassidy Neal, Kenneth Niemeyer, Elizabeth Payne, Michael Payne, Meg Rice, Meredith Roberts, Olivia Rule, Phillip Talley, Mitchell Tyner, Win Varner, Swayze Williams, Dray Willson, Brynnen Yoste
Academy Honor Roll: Alexandra Barlow, Hope Berry, Lizzie Bowman, Gabrielle Bradford, Mary Kathryn Brogan, Mary Kate Brown, Kathryn Butler, Grace Cartwright, Conley Chinn, Callie Hall, Taylor Hawks, Grace Herfurth, Milla McCormack, Ambie McCoy, Grace Parry, Sahil Patel, Travis Rogers, Elizabeth Scott, Malon Stratton, Livvie Strickland, Nancy Usey, Caroline Watson

Tenth Grade
Honor Roll:
Allie Brown, Brennan Canton, Madison Carroll, Kendall Cockayne, Matthew Faulkner, Ford Gordon, Rob Hall, Zykeyous Hawkins, Hannah Hudson, Kyle Kantor, Ben McDowell, Avenell Newman, Mary Ousley Owen, Sam Rhodes, Avery Smith, Blaine Tierney, Jack Virden, Ford Williams, Hannah Wootton
Academy Honor Roll:
Sarah French, Georgia Gibson, Dalton Gibson, Robyn Hadden, Sydney Hays, Parker Kennedy, Abbey Lindsay, Rose Maxwell, Tyler McClellan, Hannah McCowan, Glennis McWilliams, Hayley Murphy, Caroline Nall, Rebecca Nosef, Annalee Purdie, Amanda Ray, Alexis Ridgeway, Davis Rippee, Abigail Tyner, Clarke Wilkirson 

Eleventh Grade
Honor Roll:
Matthew Aiken, Hunter Berry, Sarah Allen Bowman, Blake Brennan, Gordon Campbell, Matthew Campbell, Annie Edgecombe, Anderson Helton, Dex Hewes, Haley Hodges, Maggie Hubbard, Steven Irby, Allie King, Curt Knight, Jake Manning, Mary Morgan Pryor, Chandler Sessums, Martha Rose Wright
Academy Honor Roll: William Bell, Caroline Burford, Kristen Clower, Caroline Duncan, Grady Fisher, Gavin Funderburg, Maris Hardee, Danielle Hodges, Hannah Jane LeDuff, Suzie Raines, Tori Roberts, Thad Scott, Mary Brooks Thigpen, Will Tribble, Will Varner, Ann Elizabeth Walker, Leighton Whitehead, Matt Whitfield, Lauren Williams  

Twelfth Grade
Honor Roll:
Peyton Adams, Alexis Brantley, Alex Brown, Will Brown, Mary-Morgan Coburn, William Crasto, Katie French, Meg Gordon, Allison Douglas Manning, Hannah McCrory, Zack McWilliams, Kelsey Oswalt, Avery Porch, Morgan Scott, Dannie Waller
Academy Honor Roll: Reagan Bartley, Blair Bush, Austin Carroll, Robert Cragon, Ashley Gnam, Grace Golden, Meliah Grant, Andrew Hanebuth, Rebecca Hardee, William Hontzas, Daniel Kennedy, Duncan Maxwell, Mosam Patel, Lucy Paige Rogers, Ally Thigpen, Ben Tribble, Sarah Martin Tucker, Alison Turbeville, Hayes Walker, Alexa Zouboukos