AP English Literature Videos

The seniors in AP English Literature have been busy creating video projects in small groups.  Each team chose a scene from Hamlet and acted it out, adding their own theme or style.  Click below to view a couple of their creations including one inspired by the film Inception and another with a Harry Potter vibe!







MAIS Elementary Teacher of the Year

Beckie Moes Class

Congratulations to Beckie Moes who was selected as the Mississippi Association of Independent School’s Elementary Teacher of the Year at the MAIS-Education Association State Teachers’ Convention! She teaches second grade at JA. This is quite an honor for both Beckie and JA.

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Jackson Academy and Year-End Giving

Annual Giving
The Jackson Academy experience is made possible for our students by the financial generosity of so many individuals and families. We are truly thankful for these who invest in the lives of young people and help provide the many programs and opportunities above what tuition can offer.

With year-end quickly approaching, we wanted to remind you that donations you want to count on your 2013 income tax return must be postmarked on or before December 31. Also, please know that you may make your gift through the sale of securities.


If you have any questions about year-end giving, simply contact the Jackson Academy Development Office at 601.364.5754. To make your gift online, just follow the link below.

To all our Jackson Academy families, we thank you for your many gifts of time, talent, and financial support that help make JA one of the best independent schools in the Southeast. May you and yours have a blessed Christmas.

To give now, click here

After School Offerings Provide Skill Development…

After School Programs

A variety of enrichment programs are available for Preschool students through JA After School. Having dance, computer, basketball, tennis, TaeKwonDo, gymnastics, and drama offered on campus is a great benefit for parents and students, says Hope Burford, assistant director of After School. Drama Kids is a recent offering that is currently enrolling students.

“Our programs, offered by qualified vendors, give students a chance for enrichment while they are on campus. After pick-up, families can go straight home without another activity and have more family time because the student has already had his or her outside activity. So many parents have thanked us for this,” says Burford.

The opportunity to try new things is also a benefit to young learners. “These classes expose students to a variety of activities so they can see what they like and may want to pursue as they grow older,” says Burford. “Some of our students have, in later years, developed advanced skills, such as in dance or Taekwondo, after starting a program in Preschool.”

Programs available by grade level include the following:

  • K3: dance, computer, and basketball
  • PK: dance, computer, basketball, tennis, gymnastics, and TaeKwonDo
  • K: dance, computer, basketball, tennis, gymnastics, TaeKwonDo, and Drama Kids

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Middle and Upper School Christmas Project

The Middle School has adopted several families, including approximately a dozen children, through the Good Samaritan Center. Faculty member Anne Keenan, the Middle School Student Council sponsor, is coordinating this annual service project and will help Middle School volunteers sort, organize, and wrap gifts for these children. The Upper School Student Council has offered to help with this project and is also collecting items for the families. To create a special Christmas for these families, the student councils are asking Middle and Upper School students to send any of the following:
  • New, unwrapped items with receipt attached (to exchange, if duplicated). If you prefer to buy a specific item from the child’s wish list, please contact Anne Keena atakeenan@jacksonacademy.org and she will be happy to let you pick something from the listings.
  • Gift cards to Walmart, Target, Kroger, or fast-food restaurants such as Chick-Fil-A, McDonald’s, and Wendy’s.
  • Cash or checks (made payable to Jackson Academy) to help buy items such as bicycles, clothes, and coats.

The students will be collecting items until December 18!