JA Hosts Visit by MISBO Executive Director

MISBO Photo(From left): Peter Jernberg, Cliff Kling, Marc Levinson, and Pat Taylor

Marc Levinson, executive director of MISBO, an association serving over 300 independent schools in the Southeastern United States, visited Jackson Academy December 11. He toured parts of campus and met students and faculty. He spoke to President Jernberg and the administrative team about national independent school trends in areas of financial sustainability, educational change, independent education value, and effective governance. He tours member schools and speaks frequently at independent school conferences as part of his role as executive director.

Jackson Academy regularly hosts site visits by associations as well as independent and public schools to keep current on changes in education and share information that helps JA and other schools improve the delivery of education. Mr. Levinson is shown with Pat Taylor, Cliff Kling, and Peter Jernberg. Mr. Kling serves on the MISBO Board of Directors.

JA Varsity Football Achievements

Football Achievements

The annual JA Football Awards were presented Monday night at The PAC to the Jackson Academy Football Team which enjoyed an amazing season of only 1 loss on the field while putting one of the most impressive defensive seasons in JA history. The senior class of 20 players finished with a record of 36-3. They were the only senior class to be involved in two unbeaten regular seasons and as sophomores they were part of just the second unbeaten season in school history. They secured the AAA State Championship in 2010 and AAA Runner-Up Finishes in 2011 and 2012. They continued two streaks that were set into motion in 2007 and 2009. The Brickyard unbeaten streak is now up to 42 straight wins at home which began in 2007. They also continued a North AAA Conference winning streak which is now up to 32 straight games and 5 straight Conference Titles.

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Wendy’s High School Heisman Award

Heisman Winners
Awarded the Heisman nomination from JA are (from left) Alison Turbeville and Duncan Maxwell.

Two Jackson Academy seniors have been chosen to represent JA in the competition for the prestigious Wendy’s High School Heisman Award based on their academic aptitude, athletic talent, and exceptional commitment to their school and communities. The program, awarded in conjunction with the collegiate Heisman, celebrates the achievements of the nation’s top high school seniors both in and out of the classroom.

Little Dribblers Develop Skills

Little Dribblers

JA’s Little Dribblers performed at halftime of the varsity girls’ basketball game December 12. The Little Dribblers develop ball handling skills and hand-eye coordination through this activity offered during P.E., and they perform several times each basketball season. Many of the Little Dribblers continue their interest in basketball, going on to become JA varsity athletes.

View the varsity basketball schedules below:

Varsity Girls Basketball Schedule

Varsity Boys Basketball Schedule

To view more Little Dribblers photos, click here.

Little House Program

The Little House program was presented by the third grade in the PAC December 13. Each year, the class learns songs, skits, and poems that relate to the book Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The square dances the students learn in P.E. and perform for the audience (shown in the video below) are a highlight of the program.

Square Dancing Video on Youtube – Click here to view!