Local Musician Visits Class

Denny Burkes, a long time fixture on the Jackson music scene, spent time with the contemporary music students discussing his experiences as a drummer, singer, and performer with numerous bands since 1980’s.  Among others, Burkes was part of Great Big Buildings, The Shines, Superband Wasteband, and The Vamps.  Burkes was also a long time BeBop Record Shop employee and opened his own store, MusiQuarium.  He’s performed with some major artists including Jessie Robinson, Darius Rucker, and Keifer Sutherland.


Fran Fioretti Wins 16WAPT’s Teacher Award

Fioretti Award Graphic

Fran Fioretti, Lower School First Grade Teacher

For more details regarding 16WAPT’s Outstanding Teacher of the Week Award see below:

Raider students, parents, alumni, and friends: Here’s an opportunity to nominate one of the teachers who has made an impact in your life or the life of your child for the Outstanding Teacher award. Each Monday, 16WAPT will choose a new Face and Body Outstanding Teacher of the Week from the nominations submitted online. A program representative will contact the winning teacher’s school to schedule a Wednesday morning “surprise” presentation where the winning teacher will be awarded a Face and Body Center spa certificate valued at $250. Each winner will also be featured in a story on 16WAPT’s Friday morning news.

 To nominate a teacher, visit www.wapt.com/face-and-body-center.

MAIS Executive Director Speaks to Faculty and Staff

MAIS Director Visit
(From left): Pat Taylor, Peter Jernberg, Shane Blanton, and Cliff Kling

Mississippi Association of Independent Schools Executive Director Shane Blanton delivered an inspirational and challenging message during a professional development day on campus January 6. Blanton emphasized that the success of schools depends upon good teachers, and he encouraged JA faculty and staff to “not grow weary of doing good” in providing the best education possible for their students. Blanton cited JA’s technology initiative as an example of embracing change. He also commented on the the leadership role Jackson Academy provides in independent education not only in Mississippi, but regionally and nationally, by embracing innovation and change, welcoming school site visits to assist other schools, and serving as good ambassadors of independent education through leadership and participation at conferences and in professional associations. Blanton discussed the MAIS vision for independent schools including academic integrity, belief in and support of the independent school model, and a commitment to helping schools make connections that strengthen independent education in the state.

The assembly in the PAC also included an informative update from JA leadership regarding current strategic plan progress. Faculty and staff were encouraged to provide input this semester for the next five-year strategic plan, which will enter the planning stage in the fall of 2014. Also that day, each JA division had a variety of meetings and activities to prepare for the new semester.

Team Visits Mustard Seed

photo(20)Our varsity basketball team took a break from practice over the holiday to visit with the Seedsters at the Mustard Seed.   They played games, including shooting some basketball, during their time at this Christian community for adults with developmental disabilities in Brandon.

Lower School CARA Donation

The Lower School and Preschool students raised $3,200 for CARA this semester through the sale of spirit ribbons during football season. Thank you to all of our students who supported our JA Raiders and CARA by purchasing spirit ribbons!