Newspaper Writing Awards Tap JA Publication and Students

Writing Awards

The Jackson Academy Upper School newspaper and staff members were recognized for excellence in the 2014 Mississippi Scholastic Press Association Competition through the University of Mississippi’s Meek School of Journalism and New Media. Receiving awards were (from left) Price Waltman – honorable mention in entertainment writing, Caroline Duncan – first place in advertising design, Elizabeth Hannon – second place in advertising design, Ally Robinson – third place in page design. The JA Chronicle was named third place in the best newspaper division.

JA Graduates Are Well Prepared for College Work

Taylor Medals 1
               Davis Rogers                                     Vivian Lang                                   Joseph Maxwell

One of the strengths of the well-rounded approach to education found at Jackson Academy is preparing students to excel at college-level work. A recent example is the recognition of three of our graduates as Marcus Elvis Taylor Memorial Medal designees at The University of Mississippi. Taylor Medals, the university’s highest academic award, recognize no more than 0.45 percent of undergraduates for meritorious scholarship and deportment. Recipients must have at least a 3.90 grade-point average. Seventy Taylor Medalists were designated this year and included Vivian Lang, in English, Joseph Maxwell, in psychology, and Davis Rogers, in physics. Rogers also will serve as ASB president for 2014-15, becoming one of 10 Jackson Academy graduates who has led a college or university student body as president or vice-president in recent years. Lang graduated from JA in 2010, and Maxwell and Rogers graduated in 2011.

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Upper School Awards Day 2014

Congratulations to the students recognized at last week’s Upper School Awards Day.

Hall of Fame
2014 Hall of Fame

JA seniors earned spots in the Hall of Fame for their qualities of leadership and citizenship, versatility in activities, service to the school, scholastic achievement, and exemplification of honorable standards in all areas of school and community life. Chosen for 2014 are (from left, back) Andrew Hanebuth, Daniel Kennedy, Mosam Patel, Hayes Walker, (front) Ally Thigpen, Blair Bush, Ashley Gnam, Grace Golden, and Alison Turbeville.


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