Director of Center for Spiritual and Ethical Education Visits JA

David Streight and Ray Higgins

David Streight, executive director of the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Education, visited JA last week to begin a comprehensive consultation to guide and direct the school’s development of a more formal character education program. He met with Ray Higgins and others who are working on the development of the program.

2014-15 School Supplies

As this school year comes to a close, the JAA is already planning for August and the start of a great 2014-15 school year. An important part of being ready for the start of a new school year is having the required and necessary school supplies on hand and ready for the first day of school.

Last year, over 95 percent of all parents ordered school supplies for grades 1 to grade 6 through the JAA utilizing EPI’s easy online ordering system. This year, the JAA has had multiple planning meetings with teachers and administrators to make sure the school supply lists created for each class fully encompass each and every item needed for your child to be ready to start school. Additionally, 7th and 8th grades have been included in the process, and lists are available for both grades this year.

Please see the link below for ordering instructions and prices. Ordering online will begin today and end May 16, 2014. School supplies can only be ordered online. Thank you for your continued support of JAA, and have a great summer!

Kind regards,

Jan Ishee
JAA President 2014-2015

Bobbi Harrison
JAA School Supplies Chairman

EPI School Supply Pack Information Form

JA Receives Awards

JA Receives Awards for Tuesday Raider, Video, Website Writing, and Feature Story

PR Awards

This spring, JA was acknowledged by two professional organizations for Office of Marketing and Communications projects. The projects were entered into annual competitions of the Southeast District III Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and the Public Relations Association of Mississippi (PRAM).

In February, CASE awarded JA special merit awards for the Tuesday Raider in the print and digital publications category/low budget publication and for the “Only at JA” section of the website in the website writing category.

Case Award Winners

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Superkids Reading Program

Superkids Reading Meets Kids Where They Are and Helps Them Reach Their Potential

Superkids Reading Program

Superkids characters Oswald, Tac, and Doc did not get picked for the Superkids Suns ball team. After being sad and mad, they chose to cheer for their team anyway, and they helped their team win.

Besides the lesson about attitude and good sportsmanship, the Superkids book Just the Best  offers Preschool teachers opportunities to cover interpretation of word meanings, why capitalization is used, comprehension, numbers, and reading mechanics.

Preschool students’ eyes light up when they interact in the Superkids Reading Program. With intriguing special characters—with names like Hot Rod and Ettabetta—and a variety of activities to engage different learning styles, the program by Rowland Reading Foundation develops a solid foundation for reading.

“Superkids is a phonics-based language arts program that integrates phonemic awareness, vocabulary, comprehension, spelling, and handwriting in a multi-sensory approach,” explains Laura Dyess, a preschool teacher. “All of this is accomplished with the help of the Superkids characters–14 lovable characters with whom the students form a strong connection. The characters help foster an environment where the students are eager to learn.”

“JA adopted the program to implement a more innovative approach that is research based and to meet individual needs of students,” said Beth Murray-Wilson, coordinator of studies at JA. “The program is designed to move horizontally and not just vertically (moving through skills quickly). It enables the students to have the underpinnings for reading solidified before learning to read the printed page.”

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May 6 Band Fund Raiser Features Special Guest Musicians

JA Band members and some special guests — including Upper School Dean Steve McCartney on trombone, President Elect Cliff Kling on sax, and others — have been preparing for the Gyros & Jazz event on May 6. The event is from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

For $25 per person, each guest will receive a delicious dinner entree at Mediterranean Fish & Grill at 6550 Old Canton Road in Ridgeland and two hours of musical entertainment. In addition to the JA Jazz Band and guest musicians from campus, some of Jackson’s finest musicians will drop in throughout the evening.

Spread the word to family members, friends, coworkers, church families, neighbors, and anyone else who would enjoy good food, good music, and a chance to support these hard-working students.

Contact Vicki Tirman for tickets at