JA Retreat

The-Retreat-WebThe Retreat is a student-organized Christian weekend revival on Oct. 17-19 for grades 7-12 that will be held on our campus and planned by our students. The weekend will focus on “purpose” with sessions led by David Hederman and worship times led by Rich Price. Senior class members will facilitate group discussions and seminars to expand on the topic. There will also be games and sports. Students will stay in host homes by grade and gender. Parents interested in providing host homes can contact jaretreat@gmail.com or ppratt@jacksonacademy.org. All students received a registration form. Early registration is $30 through Sept 30. This includes 3 meals, a t-shirt and all activities. Student leaders include Luke Ross, Josh Hinkle, Allie King, John Sharp Kirk, and Steven Irby.

Click here to view the JA Retreat registration form.

Mayor Yarber Tours JA

Mayor Tony Yarber, his Chief of Staff Jackie Anderson-Woods, Office Coordinator Charity Clark and Executive Assistant Kimberly Bracey joined members of the JA administrative team and board for lunch and a tour of Jackson Academy Wednesday, September 17. They visited the Tech Center where he was given a description of the Apple one-to-one program and JA’s computer security practices. He also visited a Middle School STEM lab and Raider Hall, with a conversation in the weight room with Athletic Director David Sykes. JA staff shared how the school was founded in 1959 by a group of parents for the purpose of teaching reading by phonics. That founding spirit of innovation in teaching phonics during a time of sight-reading was contrasted to the innovation in teaching and learning found at JA today. The group discussed initiatives in city government and ways JA and the city could be good partners in advancing Jackson.

A Student for a Day at Jackson Academy

Click here to view all of the photos from Cliff’s experience as a student on Facebook.

This past Thursday, I experienced one of the best days I have ever had at Jackson Academy in the 14-plus years I have served the school. I had the wonderful privilege of being a student for the day. I shadowed junior Ben McDowell beginning at 7:55 a.m. in first period A.P. U.S. History and concluding with basketball practice that ended at 4:15 p.m. I fully participated in all of Ben’s activities including a pre-calculus test and Coach Ball’s legendary basketball conditioning. I am grateful to Ben for being such an incredible host and a great sport.

So, why did I shadow a student for the day? As I begin as president, I wanted to understand better and connect more deeply with the student experience at our school. One of the great defining characteristics of Jackson Academy is that we are intently student centered and student focused. Every decision that teachers and administrators make is based on what is best for our students. It seemed only logical, then, that I should seek to understand our school better through the eyes of our students—experiencing the pace of their day and seeing the demands placed upon them. I also wanted to use the experience to get to know many of our students better and make new connections with them. Finally, I hoped that by spending a day as one of our students, it would send a very clear message to them of their value and importance to me. It seems rather obvious to say, but we have one and only one reason to exist as an institution: to serve our students.

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Third Thursdays Schedule for 2014-15

Please join us for informal parent workshops offered to help with a variety of “hot topics” faced by parents and students today. Feel free to come listen and learn. Each session will last one hour and will be held in the PAC (Black Box Theatre). The Third Thursday workshops are free of charge.

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