JA Founder Tours Campus

JA Founder VisitMaury Breazeale, Doris Brickell, and Cliff Kling

An individual very special to Jackson Academy visited last week to see the innovation taking place at the school she helped found. Doris Brickell and her late husband, Hershel, were among 10 families involved in the founding of Jackson Academy in 1959. These families, working with educator Loyal Bearss, decided to establish a school that would teach phonics at a time when the sight method was the prevailing approach in teaching reading. JA’s success in phonics-based reading garnered quite a bit of attention around the state and set JA’s trajectory as a school recognized for its development of strong readers. Mrs. Brickell’s daughter, the late Missye Rhee Breazeale, and her husband, Don, had three children graduate from JA: Glenn (1996), Maury (1998), and Marianna Breazeale Shaw (2002). Now great grandson, Brickell Breazeale (son of Maury and wife Lauren), has an application submitted for the K3 Class of 2017-18.

JA is grateful to all the founding families who worked together to bring about a school that develops enthusiastic readers, as well as individuals of character and academic achievement.

While at JA, Mrs. Brickell visited with President Cliff Kling and President Emeritus Peter Jernberg.

K3 Learning Lab Becomes Active


S.M.A.R.T. Kids Lab

The Preschool early childhood development learning lab for K3 is now in use. The state-of-the-art S.M.A.R.T. Kids Lab incorporates sensory-motor science, manipulative-based math, applied art, reading readiness, and technology time. With its airplane-shaped table and clouds suspended from the ceiling, the lab is a vibrant location for students to engage in hands-on learning. The interview below with Holly Collums, K3 teacher, gives insight into the development of the S.M.A.R.T. Kids lab.

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JA Eagle Scouts

JA Eagle Scouts

(From left, back) Kent McNamara, Bryan Sumner, Wade Chesney, Luke Ross, Hunter Berry, Reed Galloway, Grady Fisher, Wesley Rule, Wyatt Powell, Reid Watson, Daniel Fletcher; (front) Will Laird, Blake Mills, Curt Knight, Davis Guild, and Phillip Talley   
Not pictured: Garner Cheney

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Gifted Explorations…Saturday’s Session Explores Flight


The last Simulation Saturday planned for the 2014-15 school year at Jackson Academy is April 11. Students with gifted aptitudes from JA and other schools have the opportunity to delve into the world of creation and explore new ways of thinking, maximizing the application of knowledge.

Place: Jackson Academy Cafeteria
Time: 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Cost: $75 per Saturday (Made payable to JA)
Ages: Students in grade 2-6

April 11: Bubbleology “Bubble Festival”
Discovering the sparkles in the iridescence, surface tension, buoyancy, and shape of bubbles, students discover through independent thinking and cooperative learning. From “Bubble Shapes” to “Bubble Skeletons,” students delve into the intriguing science behind the world of bubbles. Using scientific content as a base, students create a world of bubbles as they venture through learning stations and explore the chemistry. Students will create and present a Bubble Festival for their parents and friends to teach others and give insight into the magical world of bubbleology!

Registration Information

Softball Banquet Awards

The Lady Raiders recently held their 2014 awards banquet. The following were recognized:

• Most Valuable Player: Delaney Wallace
• Best Defensive Player: Delaney Wallace
• All Conference: Delaney Wallace
• Best Offensive Player: Columbia Holeman
• All Conference Honorable Mention: Columbia Holeman
• Raider Award: Ashton Berry
• Players’ Raider Award: Robyn Hadden
• Coach’s Award: Swayze Williams
• Coach’s Award: Jenna Daly
• Coach’s Award: Isabelle Lee
• Most Improved: McKinna Powell
• Second Annual Coach Scott Branning Award: Robyn Hadden

Jackson Academy will be participating in the upcoming Spring 2015 softball season and will be scheduling playing dates in March and April. There will be open tryouts on Thursday, October 23 at 3:30 p.m. at the softball field.

Girls in sixth—eleventh grades interested in playing JA Softball next spring are required to attend tryouts. Bring a glove and cleats. If you can not attend that day and are interested in playing softball, email softball@jacksonacademy.com to discuss alternate tryouts. You can also contact Head Coach Will Whitehead with any questions at 601.672.9634.