Sister Dorothea Encourages JA Students to ‘Take the High Road’


Sister Dorothea Sondgeroth, who served as president of St. Dominic’s Health Services from 1995 to 2012, spoke Tuesday, Dec. 2 to students at JA’s Lunch to Lead program, a regularly scheduled optional program that offers students insights into leadership. During Lunch to Lead, students gather in the gallery of the PAC, are provided lunch, and listen to a speaker experienced in leadership. Sister Dorothea complimented JA students on their warm welcome, something she experiences every time she has been at JA, and also on the student leadership she has noticed at school and in the community. She encouraged students to appreciate and take advantage of the opportunities they had a JA.

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Tori Roberts Signs with Arkansas State

Tori Roberts of Ridgeland signed her National Letter of Intent with Arkansas State at River Hills Club November 16. Tori will receive a full tennis scholarship. Tori was joined by her parents Stan and Colleen Roberts and coaches T.J. Middleton and Courtenay Middleton.

Chief Vance Visits and Tours JA

(From left, back) Peter Jernberg, Pat Taylor, Keith Freeman, Lee Vance, James McGowen, Cliff Kling; (front) Eliza Lundy, Wesley Rule, Rocky Wilkins, and Matt Morgan.

City of Jackson Police Chief Lee Vance and members of his team joined students, faculty, and administrators at JA for lunch and a tour November 19. Attending with Chief Vance were Precinct Four Commander James McGowen and Lieutenant Keith Freeman. The group discussed initiatives of the police department under Chief Vance’s leadership, as well as ways citizens could join with police to create safe communities. JA President Cliff Kling expressed his thanks to Chief Vance and the precinct officers for the work they do for Jackson. President Kling also commented on JA’s commitment to the City of Jackson, noting the school’s decision several years ago to remain at the Ridgewood Road location and invest in additional property and expansion.

Students Gather 3,000 Books for Brown Elementary

(From left, back) Emily Thompson, Natalie Thompson, Megan Gautier, (front); Anna Claire Seago, and Mary Grace Downs.

A group of JA sixth graders have coordinated a book drive to benefit students at Brown Elementary. Brown Elementary in Jackson offers Accelerated Reading, but needs books to make the program work well. Megan Gautier, Natalie Thompson, Emily Thompson, Anna Claire Seago, and Mary Grace Downs, with support from Librarian Suzie Adcock, organized the collection of books. Before sending books to Brown Elementary, the girls arrive to school early or stay after school to create AR labels with the book level, AR number, and other information. They also make bookmarks for the students at Brown Elementary. JA students in grades one through six participated in the book drive that is sending 3,000 books to the elementary school.

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Knight to Run for Alabama

Knight SIgning for web

Senior Curt Knight signed to run cross country at the University of Alabama. Knight is pictured with his coaches and parents at today’s signing ceremony. Knight recently claimed his 4th consecutive MAIS AAA cross country championship.