JA Family Funds Scholarship for Prospective Ole Miss Business Student

Bowmans-webPictured (from left): Phillip and Audra Bowman.

Jackson Academy seniors pursuing a business degree at Ole Miss have the opportunity to apply for a generous scholarship thanks to the generosity of JA Trustee and alumnus, Phillip Bowman ’86, and his wife, Audra. The Phillip and Audra Bowman Ole Miss First Scholarship in Business provides annual tuition assistance and funds for the student to participate in the Ole Miss First Leadership-Mentorship Program. The selected recipient will be eligible to retain the scholarship each year as long as the student maintains a 3.0 cumulative grade-point average and participates in program offerings.

“We are tremendously pleased that Phillip and Audra are honoring Jackson Academy by offering such a wonderful opportunity to a JA senior,” said JA President Cliff Kling. “This is a true blessing to a deserving student.”

Phillip is a 1986 JA graduate and was the first alumnus to serve as JA Board of Trustee Chairman. Audra has served in numerous volunteer roles at JA. They are the parents of Blaine, Wesley, and Amelia Dare.

The scholarship was first awarded in 2011 to a JA student, Bowen Thigpen ’11.

JA to Make BIG Announcements


Don’t Miss an Important JA Community Event!

Join the JA community at 5:30 p.m. January 15 in the Performing Arts Center for two significant announcements.

  • Refreshments will be served by the JAA.
  • Everyone who attends will receive a gift item.
  • The Student Council will provide childcare.

Don’t miss this event where we’ll reveal the collective thinking and work of our JA community in two important areas.

Mission Statement Revision

Hear the new, revised wording of our historic mission, developed through a careful, yearlong process of gathering input from students, faculty, staff, parents, trustees, and alumni by members of the Mission Statement Task Force.

Here’s a sneak peek of one reaction to the mission statement:

“It gave me chill bumps!” A JA founder, former parent and grandparent

JA Brand Identity

JA engaged Mindpower, an Atlanta based branding and marketing agency, to assist us in identifying and communicating the unique strengths and qualities that make JA the very special school that it is. This branding exercise has not been about developing a tagline or a logo, but instead about discovering and powerfully demonstrating who we are as a school. Mindpower has done that by diving deep into our school and listening intently to focus groups comprised of our students, faculty, staff, alumni, trustees, and parents. Lisa Jordan with Mindpower will be on campus to present and reveal what they discovered about JA. She has already presented it to the Board of Trustees, and it is very powerful and incredibly affirming of our wonderful school.

Here’s a preview of what to expect:

After hearing the presentation one trustee remarked that, “Mindpower has given a voice and words to all of the deeply-held warm emotions and positive thoughts I have had about Jackson Academy for 42 years.”

This event for all who love JA will surely be a time of celebration and affirmation of Jackson Academy. The JAA started this year with a wonderful focus on uniting the community with the Unite event, and January 15 will be another way we will come together to celebrate The JA Way and all that JA provides to our students, families, alumni, and community.

Join your JA friends and family January 15 at 5:30!

JA vs. JP Live Stream

Come Support Your Raiders and Lady Raiders

Tomorrow’s Jackson Academy vs. Jackson Prep Varsity Basketball Games will be live-streamed from The Raider Dome. In partnership with SuperSport 930 and the JA Athletic Booster Club, both the girls and boys games will be broadcasted on the JA Livestream Channel. Air time is at 4:30 p.m. (subject to change). The game will be archived for later viewing.

Main livestream page – https://new.livestream.com/accounts/1463743/

Therapy Dog Visits Lower School

Occupational Therapist Jenn Sivak of Methodist Rehabilitation Center brought Puma to visit the Lower School. Puma is a trained Facility dog that works with patients at Methodist. Dogs like Puma are raised by volunteers, then complete a six to nine month training with Canine Companion instructors. Ms. Sivak explained how Puma helps patients and what his daily life is like, then fielded questions from the students. As each class left, they had a chance to pet Puma on the way back to their rooms.

Conversations with JA Sophomores Prove Rewarding and Informative

Cliffs-Blog-Photo-webPresident Kling’s first meeting with (from left): Jack White, Logan Anderson, Zach Brister, and Jacob Touchstone.

During a visit last year with a head of school in another state, my colleague shared that he meets with all of his school’s seniors in small groups. I decided then that I would create a similar practice at Jackson Academy. I look forward to meeting with our seniors to ask for their reflections on the total Jackson Academy experience as they begin to transition from students to alumni. As I thought more about meeting with seniors, I felt it would be a lost opportunity to meet with our students for the first time in the spring of their senior year just as they are about to graduate and leave campus. So I decided to meet in the fall with our sophomores to strengthen my relationships with them – relationships that will continue to be nurtured over the next two-and-a-half years. And when those same students come to my office for the meeting in their senior year, they will be returning to a familiar place with the knowledge that their opinions and thoughts matter not only as “almost” alumni, but also during their Upper School years.

I embarked on meeting with all of our sophomores in groups of three to four students. The first meeting was held on September 15, and I just completed the last meeting this past Thursday. Each meeting lasted about 50 minutes, and as the above photo shows, the atmosphere was relaxed, casual, and welcoming. One of the fun things to see was how the different groups responded when I offered them soft drinks upon entering my office. Some accepted the offer immediately and chose their beverage. Some of the groups were shy at first with everyone saying they didn’t want a drink until finally one student would relent and tell me his or her choice for a drink and then, with the ice broken, everyone else would follow suit.

Having spent this time with each of our students, I am so impressed
with them. We are truly privileged to have the opportunity to serve
such great students—individuals who are not only good students, but,
even more importantly, good kids.

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