Educators from Three States Observe JA STEM Education


Representatives from three independent and parochial schools in Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi were on campus yesterday to tour JA’s STEM program. Educators learned how JA uses innovative Pitsco products in labs and classrooms. JA Headmaster Pat Taylor and Middle School Dean Matt Morgan presented to the group in the PAC, then tours of the Lower School and Middle School labs were given. JA faculty shared how they have structured the curriculum and how JA has implemented the program to make STEM labs exciting and engaging for JA students. Two representatives from Pitsco Education accompanied the visiting educators during the daylong program.

Meeting a WWII Veteran Makes Tour More Meaningful

Sometimes history seems far removed from current experience, but for JA seniors, meeting a WWII veteran yesterday brought the war that changed the world a bit closer. Seniors and chaperones visited the National WWII Museum in New Orleans, which is the official WWII museum of the United States. In addition to visiting with a veteran, students toured exhibits about the Road to Berlin and the Road to Tokyo in the new Campaigns of Courage Center as well as about D Day in the Louisiana Pavilion. At the Boeing Center, students saw WWII aircraft, jeeps, and tanks, and participated in a survey of ethical questions faced by the “greatest generation.” The seniors saw the Higgins Boats, used in amphibious invasions including D Day, and learned that they were built in New Orleans. After lunch at the American Sector Restaurant or the Soda Shop, they watched the 4D film Beyond All Boundaries, which was produced by Tom Hanks.

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A Look Back to the Rise of Raider Nation


The Clarion-Ledger named Coach Sherard Shaw and the 1995 Raider football team as one the most significant sports stories in the state that year. The championship catapulted JA into two decades of football excellence that changed the balance of power within the independent school ranks in Mississippi. The memory of Coach Shaw and the 1995 Raider team is permanently commemorated with a bronze Raider statue at the entrance of JA’s football stadium. Coming this fall is a 60-minute, documentary-styled movie entitled, Shaw: The Championship LIfe that Ignited the Rise of Raider Nation. Raiders past and present are encouraged to learn about the story that propelled JA into the spotlight and created experiences that still motivate today.
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JA Annual Fund Reaches Milestone!


Thanks to the generosity of so many Jackson Academy families, alumni, and friends, the JA Annual Fund has gone over $400,000 in cash and pledges for the 2015-16 school year! Never before has so much money been raised through the Annual Fund in such a short period of time. We are so grateful to our teachers, parents, alumni, grandparents, and friends who give so selflessly.

Annual Fund dollars make a tremendous impact on the teaching and learning environment at JA. From the Preschool playground to the Upper School hallway renovations, annual giving makes a difference. The majority of the dollars raised this year will go toward the Learning Commons (Upper School Library) renovations scheduled to begin this summer.

Thank you to our Annual Fund parent volunteers, Elizabeth and Percy Quinn, Development Chairman Austin Barbour and committee, and many parent and alumni volunteers who gave their time and resources to reach this milestone and continue to strengthen Annual Fund efforts.