First Quarter Honor Rolls

Academy Honor Roll
Twelfth Grade:  Parker Alexander, Anna Douglas Almand, Alexandra Barlow, Lizzie Bowman, Mary Kathryn Brogan, Grace Cartwright, Conley Chinn, Natalie Ford, Grace Herfurth, Mary Hunter Johnston, Claire McClure, Milla McCormack, Kassidy Neal, Chloe Owens, Grace Parry, Sahil Patel, Michael Payne, Cole Phillips, Travis Rogers, Alexander Schott, Malon Stratton, Livvie Strickland, Phillip Talley, Nancy Usey, Caroline Watson, Dray Willson Eleventh Grade: Avery Anderson, Hadley Brennan, Sam Ciaccio, Kennedy Collins, Hannah Collums, Frances Anne Fortner, Cailynn Gregory, Lacey Irby, Will Laird, Braden Lewis, Dolph Maxwell, Gracie Meck, Allie Perkins, Jeffery Richburg, Emma Ward, Anna Claire Williams Tenth Grade: Skylar Alexander, Eeshaan Bajaj, Ashton Berry, Elliott Butler, Lucy Clement, Camille Couey, Mary Beth Dyess, Camille Felder, Avery Hederman, Erin Hederman, Columbia Holeman, Megan Lacey, Lexi Lomax, Kit McCormack, Preston McWilliams, Brandon Miller, Gabrielle Morris, Burkette Moulder, Charlotte Palmer, Kaylan Sanders, Webb Strickland, Logan Thomas Ninth Grade: Reese Anderson, Kelsey Burke, Steven Chustz, Kellum Clark, Ginny Dyess, Carter Elliott, Courtney Francois, Simeon Gates, Logan Hatten, Caroline Hill, Miles Johnson, Henry Lee, Christian Luckett, Azaria McDowell, Virginia Parry, Anna Katherine Ray, Anna Roberson, Lily Grace Thigpen, Nelson Thomas, Mary Gray White Eighth Grade: Drew Antici, Emmy Brown, Gracie Coe, Emma Collums, Ava Couey, Sophie Hays, Zharia Hill, Parker Kirby, Zoe Ladner, Emory Ann Laseter, Isabelle Lee, Isabel Lehman, Miles Taylor Leverette, Priya Ray, Elena Roberts, Emma Roberts, Lila Robertson, Anna Claire Seago, Gibson Smith, Emery Thigpen, Ty Usey Seventh Grade:  Cannon Bosarge, Gibson Cheney, Joseph Ciaccio, Caroline Courtney, Regan Felder, Sandon Guild, Reid Hewitt, Tray Holeman, Harrison Johnston, Annalee LeDuff, Davis Lee, Parker Lowe, Anna Carlisle Nichols, Anne Barret Roberson, Ashton Tate, Reed Travelstead, Annalee Willson

Honor Roll
Twelfth Grade:
Hope Berry, Catherine Burford, Kathryn Butler, Samuel Clincy, Smith Coleman, Brianna Cry, Emily Earle, Chelsea Francois, Grace Gebhart, Callie Hall, Alexander Kellett, Abbie Knighton, Davis Magee, Molly McIntire, John McIntyre, Emily McNair, William Mitchell, Micah Morgan, Kenneth Niemeyer, Elizabeth Payne, Meg Rice, Olivia Rule, Mitchell Tyner, Bennett Weeks, Armoni Williams, Kayla Young Eleventh Grade: Blaine Bowman, De’ja Bradford, Caroline Childress, Kellan Clower, Sophie Creath, Tre Lewis, Emma Lucas, Meredith McClellan, Elizabeth McCubbins, James McLemore, Blake Mills, Gage Morgan, Kennedy Neal, Lindsey Nosef, Walker Pedigo, Baley Reed, Max Rogers, Claire Ross, Maggie Smith, Olivia Stringer, Bryant Thaxton, Drake Warman, Brehan Whitehead Tenth Grade: Ashlyn Adair, Hayden Allen, Addison Avdoyan, Samantha Brown, Destiny Burns, Ellie Brent Cartwright, Charlie Gautier, Ariel Hayes, Ansley Hill, Thomas Iupe, Sean Lackey, Francie LeDuff, Anne Marie Lundy, Nayan Malhotra, Ashley Manning, Reese Overstreet, Tyler Pitts, John Porch, McKinna Powell, Carneilus Powers, Walker Rippee, Will Spence, Mary Lindley Tharp, Pier Thompson, Mary Parker Williams Ninth Grade: Joseph Adams, Walker Barnes, Mary Liz Black, Nicholas Brown, Emily Burks, Brent Butler, Katie Carter, Yazzy Chambers, John Eric Clark, Ava Del Vecchio, Londyn Dorsey, Gracie Eubank, Sydney Guy, Hannah Hardee, Russell Hawkins, Gabrielle Healy, John David Hendrick, Trey Herrington, Ana Kelly Hontzas, Alayla Jackson, William Janous, Case Kempthorne, Lizzy Magee, P.J. Martin, Harris McLemore, Chris Mondie, Asher Morgan, Sydney Morris, Kennedy Nations, Douglas Noble, Nora Pickering, Keishun Pickett, Reeves Stratton, Will Travelstead, Don Waller, Wisdom Ware, Reed White, Blair Young Eighth Grade: Thomas Arnold, Simms Baker, Parker Bracken, Jenna Daly, Isabelle Eiland, Stuart Fullwood, Avery Hendrick, Andrew Holmes, Hallie Gray House, Ari Jackson, Michael Lowe, Jonathan Lucas, Pryor Mehrle, Jesse Montgomery, Thomas Nance, Elizabeth Pedigo, Anna Blake Reed, Jude Reeves, Bryant Seago, James Smith, Lauren Anne Smith, Wes Thomas, Alice Williams, Samia Wilson Seventh Grade: Abigail Addison, Drew Barrentine, Andrew Burks, Anna Claire Bush, Elizabeth Castle, Jalia Coins, Davis Cress, Rachel Beth Deaton, Morgan Dilworth, Matthew Frost, Connor Gee, Ferriday Rose Green, Hudson Hadley, Samuel Hadley, Maggie Koury, Libby Lohmeier, Clayton Mahaffey, Ford McDaniel, Kennedy McKee, Hayden Parr, Olivia Quin, Aidan Rich, John Moak Scarbrough, Garrett Smith, Sarah Beth Usey, Banks Whittington, John Wicks, Drew Williams

Jackson Academy NCAA Division I signings

Media Alert : Jackson Academy NCAA Division I signings

Patti Wade, Director of Marketing & Communications
Jackson Academy  |  |  601-364-5702

Four Jackson Academy athletes to sign with Division I universities November 9

Four Jackson Academy student athletes will indicate their intent to play at NCAA Division I universities on National Signing Day, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016. Signings will take place at 10:00 a.m. in the Learning Commons (formerly called the Upper School Library, on the Sheffield Drive side of campus, in the Administration Building.

Jackson Academy

The students and their college choices are as follows:
Conner Beth Ball — University of Mississippi, golf
Conley Chinn — Belmont University, basketball
Wilson Furr — University of Alabama, golf
Meredith Roberts — Texas Christian University, tennis

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Future Engineers: Make a Freestyle Go-Cart


At the next JA Maker Station Saturday, students will create a freestyle go-cart that can navigate a student-created obstacle course! Once their go-cart is complete, students will compete in a final race. They will also design a rubber band flyer, dabbling in the dynamics of propulsion.

Join your friends Saturday, November 12 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Location: JA Cafeteria. Cost: $75. Click here to download the Maker Station Saturdays for sign up instructions.