Upcoming Performances in the PAC

Honk JR.


Adapted for young performers, Honk! JR. is a heartwarming celebration of being different that is sure to delight audiences with its sparkling wit, unique charm, and memorable score. Witty and hilarious, but also deeply moving, Honk! JR. will treat audiences to equal amounts of laughter and tears.

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Third Quarter Honor Rolls

Academy Honor Roll

Seventh Grade: Drew Antici, Thomas Arnold, Emmy Brown, Emma Collums, Ava Couey, Coleman Dinkins, Sophie Hays, Zharia Hill, Hallie Gray House, Parker Kirby, Zoe Ladner, Emory Ann Laseter, Isabelle Lee, Isabel Lehman, Miles Taylor Leverette, Jonathan Lucas, Priya Ray, Elena Roberts, Emma Roberts, Lila Robertson, Anna Claire Seago, Gibson Smith, Emery Thigpen, Ty Usey

Eighth Grade: Reese Anderson, Steven Chustz, Carter Elliott, Courtney Francois, Logan Hatten, Russell Hawkins, Caroline Hill, Sydney Morris, Virginia Parry, Anna Katherine Ray, Anna Roberson, Lily Grace Thigpen, Nelson Thomas, Jane Anna Vickery, Mary Gray White

Ninth Grade: Skylar Alexander, Addison Avdoyan, Eeshaan Bajaj, Ashton Berry, Elliott Butler, Lucy Clement, Camille Couey, Mary Beth Dyess, Camille Felder, Charlie Gautier, Avery Hederman, Erin Hederman, Columbia Holeman, Megan Lacey, Lexi Lomax, Anne Marie Lundy, Kit McCormack, Preston McWilliams, Brandon Miller, Gabrielle Morris, Reese Overstreet, Charlotte Palmer, Kaylan Sanders, Will Spence, Webb Strickland, Mary Lindley Tharp, Logan Thomas, Pier Thompson

Tenth Grade: Avery Anderson, Janise Bennett, Blaine Bowman, Hadley Brennan, Sam Ciaccio, Hannah Collums, Lacey Irby, Will Laird, Braden Lewis, Dolph Maxwell, Allie Perkins, Jeffery Richburg, Maggie Smith, Emma Ward, Anna Claire Williams

Eleventh Grade: Parker Alexander, Anna Douglas Almand, Alexandra Barlow, Hope Berry, Lizzie Bowman, Mary Kathryn Brogan, Grace Cartwright, Conley Chinn, Chelsea Francois, Abigail Giddens, Callie Hall, Grace Herfurth, Mary Hunter Johnston, Claire McClure, Milla McCormack, Chloe Owens, Grace Parry, Sahil Patel, Michael Payne, Alexander Schott, Elizabeth Scott, Malon Stratton, Livvie Strickland, Nancy Usey, Caroline Watson, Dray Willson, Kayla Young

Twelfth Grade: Makenna Adams, Madison Carroll, Kendall Cockayne, Sarah French, Dalton Gibson, Georgia Gibson, Kathleen Giddens, Ford Gordon, Robyn Hadden, Sydney Hays, Hannah Hudson, Kyle Kantor, Parker Kennedy, Rose Maxwell, Tyler McClellan, Hannah McCowan, Glennis McWilliams, Hayley Murphy, Caroline Nall, Mary Ousley Owen, Annalee Purdie, Amanda Ray, Alexis Ridgeway, Davis Rippee, Abigail Tyner, Jack Virden, Lucy Waller, Clarke Wilkirson, Ford Williams

Honor Roll

Seventh Grade: Kaylee Ashford, Simms Baker, Parker Bracken, Mackenzie Coburn, Gracie Coe, Julianna Copeland, Ava Crawford, Jenna Daly, McNeill Dinkins, Mary Grace Downs, Julia Eidt, Isabelle Eiland, Meredith Fielder, Krislyn Gibson, Gus Gordon, Caroline Graven, Avery Hendrick, John Henson, Michael Hogue, Andrew Holmes, Ari Jackson, Nicole Lawrence, Michael Lowe, Lachlan McLendon, Pryor Mehrle, Jesse Montgomery, Thomas Nance, Elizabeth Pedigo, Anna Blake Reed, Jude Reeves, Elise Robinson, Bryant Seago, Ally Sessums, James Smith, Lauren Anne Smith, Rett Stanley, Wes Thomas, Natalie Thompson, Jack Varner, Alice Williams, Samia Wilson

Eighth Grade: Walker Barnes, Nicholas Brown, Kelsey Burke, Emily Burks, Kellum Clark, Gracie Eubank, Ashlie Henderson, Trey Herrington, Alayla Jackson, William Janous, Henry Lee, Christian Luckett, P.J. Martin, Kennedy Nations, Douglas Noble, Nora Pickering, Kayla Shepherd, Will Travelstead, Reed White

Ninth Grade: Ashlyn Adair, Shields Armstrong, Samantha Brown, Ellie Brent Cartwright, Maggie Eidt, Owen Fracchia, Ansley Hill, Ramey Hogue, Thomas Iupe, Celeste Knighton, Sean Lackey, Francie LeDuff, Nayan Malhotra, Ashley Manning, Burkette Moulder, Annie Parkes, Tyler Pitts, Tafarri Pleas, McKinna Powell, Carneilus Powers, Emory Rhodes, Walker Rippee, Mary Parker Williams

Tenth Grade: De’ja Bradford, Caroline Childress, Kennedy Collins, Ilana Dallaire, Frances Anne Fortner, Jack Gnam, Cailynn Gregory, Hannah Hardin, Katie Johnson, Tre Lewis, Emma Lucas, Meredith McClellan, Elizabeth McCubbins, James McLemore, Gracie Meck, Blake Mills, Kennedy Neal, Lindsey Nosef, Walker Pedigo, Luke Pitts, Olivia Stringer, Brehan Whitehead

Eleventh Grade: Catherine Burford, Kathryn Butler, Emily Earle, Natalie Ford, Jackson Golden, Alexander Kellett, Abbie Knighton, Molly McIntire, Emily McNair, Micah Morgan, Kassidy Neal, Elizabeth Payne, Cole Phillips, Jackson Plunkett, Austin Ramey, Travis Rogers, Olivia Rule, Price Sessums, Phillip Talley, Mitchell Tyner, Win Varner

Twelfth Grade: Nick Beddingfield, Allie Brown, Sarah Buchanan, Mary Chosen Caples, Robert Crisler, Maggie Cross, Aaron Dallaire, Matthew Faulkner, Candice Fielder, Daisy Ford, Reid Fracchia, Cash Heath, Beaty Hill, Chris Howie, Camryn Kestenbaum, Abbey Lindsay, Ben McDowell, Austin Melton, Avenell Newman, Bryn Noble, Chase Oswalt, Allan Thomas Pickle, Sam Rhodes, Bettye-Grace Sirven, Avery Smith, Cory Tirman, Delaney Wallace, Steven Winford, Hannah Wootton, William Youngblood

Educators from Three States Observe JA STEM Education


Representatives from three independent and parochial schools in Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi were on campus yesterday to tour JA’s STEM program. Educators learned how JA uses innovative Pitsco products in labs and classrooms. JA Headmaster Pat Taylor and Middle School Dean Matt Morgan presented to the group in the PAC, then tours of the Lower School and Middle School labs were given. JA faculty shared how they have structured the curriculum and how JA has implemented the program to make STEM labs exciting and engaging for JA students. Two representatives from Pitsco Education accompanied the visiting educators during the daylong program.

Trendsetters Attend Event with Barbara Bush Foundation CEO


The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy Hosts Mentors and Mentees During National Mentoring Month

The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy hosted an event on Thursday, January 14 to celebrate the Teen Trendsetters programs that were recently launched in Jackson. These programs are instrumental in helping struggling elementary school children improve their reading skills.

Attending from JA were our 15 mentors, Board of Trustees Chair Ashley Willson, and staff members Audrey Wilkirson, Paula Pratt, Amy Bush, and Michelle Mills.

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Heifer Village Trip Enlightens Sixth Graders


What do a rooster crowing, bartering, lack of sleep, a mouse, and joy in the midst of hardship have in common? All are part of the Heifer Village experience. In March, sixth graders spent a night in this experiential learning setting designed to increase awareness of how hunger and poverty affect people. Student Priya Ray says she will cherish the memory forever.

Heifer Village in Perryville, Ark., reenacts the challenges of living in areas of the world where Heifer International sends aid. “My friends and I learned so many things. We learned about how hard it is to live in poverty and how to survive. We also learned how to live without all our gadgets that we have today,” said Priya. “Heifer teaches us how to live with just a few resources—without cars, phones, a nice kitchen, and other technology. It teaches us to be more thankful…”

Seven Matches, Oil, and a Paring Knife

Shortly after providing orientation, Heifer Village staff randomly assigns students, faculty, and chaperones to a village in a poverty-stricken area of the world where they “live” for nearly 24 hours. Each village is given limited supplies and instructions for setting up camp, building fires, and making a meal. For example, one group of 14 was given a plastic tub filled with a pot, seven matches, a container of oil, and a paring knife. They then had to barter for wood to build a fire and acquire food by bartering, offering to work for food, or even stealing.

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