Students and Faculty Initiate Ways to Help Flood Victims


JA students and faculty/staff have been mobilizing efforts since mid-August to support victims of flooding in Louisiana. Initiatives began within a couple days of the flooding when an Upper School student began a drive to collect bottled water, clothes, and school supplies. An Upper School faculty member and his class collected cleaning supplies, paper towels, bottled water, and school supplies, which were sent through a church. This past Friday, a Lower School teacher drove to Baton Rouge to deliver directly to those affected $3,400 worth of gift cards students had collected. She also delivered hand made cards expressing the support and love of the young students of JA.

The JAA initiated a school uniform drive. Nearly 350 skirts and skorts were sent to Central Private School, which is an MAIS school. This school serves grades K3-12. Also, 300-350 shorts and pants were delivered to Central Public School District in Baton Rouge.

JA Upper School students joined forces with JP on Wednesday to raise funds for Red Cross relief efforts. Within 48 hours JA students raised over $2,000 by setting up collection tables at the soccer and football games.

Support efforts are ongoing. Lower School has adopted Northside Elementary in Denham Springs. Books have been sent to the school, and more gently used books are being collected. Grades two through four have designated Northside as the recipient of the books from their Accelerated Reading Read 4 Need program for the first term.

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Don’t Miss JA at the Village on August 23


Highland Village and Jackson Academy will kick off a fun, new gathering for the JA community August 23! JA will converge on the courtyard of Highland Village for a live Raider Network broadcast featuring all things JA with Bryan Eubank. Buffalo Peak Outfitters, the sponsor of the first live broadcast, will provide offers for attendees and a giveaway valued at $150.

Broadcasts are scheduled for each Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. from August 23-November 1, except for October 18. Pre-broadcast activities by Highland Village begin at 4:30 p.m. Each week, Highland Village will offer discounts to different stores or restaurants, as well as food, music, and games.

JA academic divisions, athletic teams, spirit teams, bands, JAA, Booster Club, and performing groups can use this as an opportunity to perform and to promote their activities and upcoming events through interviews with Bryan Eubank.

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Mississippi Math and Science Competition


Jackson Academy placed fourth overall in the Mississippi School for Math & Sciences annual state-wide tournament in Columbus. The teams included Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Trig, and Calculus. Competing on the team were: (from left, back) Chris Mondie, Travis Rogers, Sahil Patel, Alexander Schott, Emma Ward, Livvie Strickland, Nancy Usey, Dolph Maxwell, Lacey Irby, Braden Lewis; (third row) Webb Strickland, Lucy Clement, Lizzie Bowman, Jane Anna Vickery, Alli Perkins, Blaine Bowman, Avery Anderson; (second row) Avery Hederman, Columbia Holeman, Brandon Miller, Anna Roberson, Mary Gray White, Anna Katherine Ray (front) Milla McCormack, Erin Hederman, Camille Couey, Lilly Grace Thigpen, Courtney Francois, Amanda Ray, Hannah McCowan, and Carter Elliott.

Not pictured: Georgia Gibson, Dalton Gibson, Kyle Kantor, Jeffrey Richburg, Tyler McClellan, Davis Rippee, Clarke Wilkirson, Mary Lindley Tharp, and Russell Hawkins.

Empathy, Reaching Out Important Lessons of Heifer International Experiences


JA continued two key experiential learning opportunities this year…both related to Heifer International, but designed differently for each age group. Lower School students raised money to help purchase animals to benefit impoverished families around the world. In Middle School, sixth graders visited Heifer Village in Arkansas for an overnight experience that reenacts what life is like living in poverty.

Lower School Gives 38 Animals…from Heifers to Honeybees

The Lower School has supported Heifer International for several years. “Three years ago, we moved it to coincide with Easter and started asking the students to earn the money that they donate rather than just asking their parents for money,” said Lower School Dean Sarah Love. “Throughout the fundraising period, the teachers show videos about Heifer, and I read them stories about the families who have been helped as well as information about the ways that the different animals are used to help families. Each grade sets a goal to raise enough money to buy certain animals that Heifer gives to the families.”

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2016-17 Jernberg Scholars Announced


Jackson Academy has selected six students as Jernberg Scholars for the 2016-17 school year. The Jernberg Scholarship program, established by the JA Board of Trustees in 2014, celebrates and awards academic excellence and honors President Emeritus James Peter Jernberg Jr. who led Jackson Academy for 26 years.

Students were chosen from among a large group of highly qualified applicants who completed testing, essays, recommendations, and school and financial applications. Finalists completed on-campus interviews.

Chosen for the 2016-17 academic year are Boston Hollingsworth of Terry (fifth grade), Megan Lacey of Braxton (tenth grade), Parker Lowe of Brandon (seventh grade), Dolph Maxwell of Jackson (eleventh grade), Brandon Miller of Jackson (tenth grade), and Priya Ray of Flowood (eighth grade). Megan, Dolph, Brandon, and Priya are current JA students, and Boston and Parker will be coming to JA for the 2016-17 school year.

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