Quarter 4 Honor Roll

Academy Honor Roll
Twelfth Grade Alexandra Barlow, Hope Berry, Lizzie Bowman, Mary Kathryn Brogan, Catherine Burford, Kathryn Butler, Grace Cartwright, Conley Chinn, Callie Hall, Grace Herfurth, Mary Hunter Johnston, Abbie Knighton, Claire McClure, Milla McCormack, Emily McNair, William Mitchell, Chloe Owens, Grace Parry, Sahil Patel, Cole Phillips, Travis Rogers, Alexander Schott, Elizabeth Scott, Malon Stratton, Livvie Strickland, Nancy Usey, Dray Willson Eleventh Grade Avery Anderson, Janise Bennett, Kennedy Collins, Hannah Collums, Lacey Irby, Will Laird, Braden Lewis, Tre Lewis, Dolph Maxwell, Meredith McClellan, Gracie Meck, Blake Mills, Allie Perkins, Emma Ward, Anna Claire Williams Tenth Grade Skylar Alexander, Eeshaan Bajaj, Ashton Berry, Elliott Butler, Ellie Brent Cartwright, Lucy Clement, Camille Couey, Mary Beth Dyess, Camille Felder, Avery Hederman, Erin Hederman, Ansley Hill, Columbia Holeman, Lexi Lomax, Kit McCormack, Preston McWilliams, Brandon Miller, Gabrielle Morris, Burkette Moulder, Reese Overstreet, Charlotte Palmer, Carneilus Powers, Kaylan Sanders, Will Spence, Webb Strickland, Logan Thomas, Pier Thompson Ninth Grade Reese Anderson, Walker Barnes, Kelsey Burke, Emily Burks, Steven Chustz, Kellum Clark, Carter Elliott, Courtney Francois, Simeon Gates, Logan Hatten, Caroline Hill, William Janous, Miles Johnson, Christian Luckett, Azaria McDowell, Harris McLemore, Kennedy Nations, Virginia Parry, Nora Pickering, Anna Katherine Ray, Anna Roberson, Lily Grace Thigpen, Nelson Thomas, Mary Gray White Eighth Grade Drew Antici, Thomas Arnold, Emmy Brown, Gracie Coe, Emma Collums, Sophie Hays, Avery Hendrick, Parker Kirby, Zoe Ladner, Isabelle Lee, Isabel Lehman, Miles Taylor Leverette, Pryor Mehrle, Priya Ray, Elena Roberts, Lila Robertson, Gibson Smith, Emery Thigpen, Ty Usey Seventh Grade Abigail Addison, Cannon Bosarge, Anna Claire Bush, Gibson Cheney, Joseph Ciaccio, Caroline Courtney, Rachel Beth Deaton, Regan Felder, Sandon Guild, Samuel Hadley, Reid Hewitt, Tray Holeman, Harrison Johnston, Maggie Koury, Annalee LeDuff, Clayton Mahaffey, Anna Carlisle Nichols, Anne Barret Roberson, Ashton Tate, Reed Travelstead, Sarah Beth Usey, Fran Wilkirson, Annalee Willson

Honor Roll
Twelfth Grade Parker Alexander, Anna Douglas Almand, Jessi Cooper, Emily Earle, Natalie Ford, Chelsea Francois, Grace Gebhart, Abigail Giddens, Parker Gilbert, Jackson Golden, Molly McIntire, John McIntyre, Micah Morgan, Kassidy Neal, Elizabeth Payne, Michael Payne, Jackson Plunkett, Austin Ramey, Meredith Roberts, Olivia Rule, Phillip Talley, Gracy Thomas, Mitchell Tyner, Win Varner, Kayla Young Eleventh Grade Blaine Bowman, De’ja Bradford, Hadley Brennan, Caroline Childress, Sam Ciaccio, Sophie Creath, Frances Anne Fortner, Cailynn Gregory, Katie Johnson, Gabi Jones, Emma Lucas, Elizabeth McCubbins, Kennedy Neal, Lindsey Nosef, Walker Pedigo, Max Rogers, Claire Ross, Maggie Smith, Olivia Stringer, Lillie Walker, Sarah Grea Walker, Drake Warman, Brehan Whitehead Tenth Grade Hayden Allen, Addison Avdoyan, Lailaa Bashir, Ashley Brown, Samantha Brown, Destiny Burns, Kelsey Ford, Charlie Gautier, Ariel Hayes, Thomas Iupe, Megan Lacey, Francie LeDuff, Anne Marie Lundy, Ashley Manning, Isabelle Partain, Tafarri Pleas, McKinna Powell, Walker Rippee, Mary Lindley Tharp, Will Whitfield, Mary Parker Williams Ninth Grade Joseph Adams, Mary Liz Black, Brent Butler, Katie Carter, Yazzy Chambers, Elizabeth Childress, John Eric Clark, Ava Del Vecchio, Londyn Dorsey, Ginny Dyess, Gracie Eubank, Sydney Guy, Hannah Hardee, Russell Hawkins, John David Hendrick, Trey Herrington, Ana Kelly Hontzas, Case Kempthorne, Henry Lee, P.J. Martin, Chris Mondie, Asher Morgan, Sydney Morris, Douglas Noble, Keishun Pickett, Kayla Shepherd, Reeves Stratton, Will Travelstead, Don Waller, Reed White Eighth Grade Parker Bracken, Mackenzie Coburn, Ava Couey, Mary Grace Downs, Isabelle Eiland, Gus Gordon, Caroline Graven, Zharia Hill, Michael Hogue, Andrew Holmes, Hallie Gray House, Emory Ann Laseter, Jonathan Lucas, Lachlan McLendon, Jesse Montgomery, Hensley Moulder, Thomas Nance, Elizabeth Pedigo, Madeleine Pettus, Anna Blake Reed, Emma Roberts, Elise Robinson, Anna Claire Seago, Bryant Seago, Lauren Anne Smith, Wes Thomas, Jack Varner, Alice Williams, Samia Wilson Seventh Grade Leah Anderson, Drew Barrentine, Jade Bennett, Elizabeth Castle, Jalia Coins, Madison Cotton, Davis Cress, Gunner Cress, Ridley Dehmer, Morgan Dilworth, Tye Gardner, Connor Gee, Ferriday Rose Green, Hudson Hadley, Ainsley Kling, Davis Lee, Libby Lohmeier, Daniel Martin, Molly McClure, Kennedy McKee, Banks McNair, Hayden Parr, Olivia Quin, John Moak Scarbrough, Garrett Smith, Natalie Turner, Banks Whittington, John Wicks, Drew Williams

Quarter 3 Honor Roll

Academy Honor Roll
Twelfth Grade Alexandra Barlow, Hope Berry, Lizzie Bowman, Mary Kathryn Brogan, Catherine Burford, Kathryn Butler, Grace Cartwright, Conley Chinn, Grace Herfurth, Mary Hunter Johnston, Claire McClure, Milla McCormack, Emily McNair, Chloe Owens, Sahil Patel, Travis Rogers, Elizabeth Scott, Livvie Strickland, Phillip Talley, Mitchell Tyner, Nancy Usey, Dray Willson  Eleventh Grade Avery Anderson, Hadley Brennan, Hannah Collums, Lacey Irby, Will Laird, Braden Lewis, Dolph Maxwell, Allie Perkins, Emma Ward, Anna Claire Williams Tenth Grade Skylar Alexander, Eeshaan Bajaj, Ashton Berry, Elliott Butler, Lucy Clement, Camille Couey, Mary Beth Dyess, Camille Felder, Avery Hederman, Erin Hederman, Ansley Hill, Columbia Holeman, Megan Lacey, Lexi Lomax, Kit McCormack, Preston McWilliams, Brandon Miller, Gabrielle Morris, Burkette Moulder, Kaylan Sanders, Webb Strickland, Logan Thomas, Pier Thompson Ninth Grade Reese Anderson, Kelsey Burke, Steven Chustz, Carter Elliott, Courtney Francois, Simeon Gates, Logan Hatten, Caroline Hill, Miles Johnson, Christian Luckett, Azaria McDowell, Kennedy Nations, Virginia Parry, Anna Katherine Ray, Anna Roberson, Lily Grace Thigpen, Mary Gray White Eighth Grade Drew Antici, Parker Bracken, Emmy Brown, Gracie Coe, Emma Collums, Sophie Hays, Parker Kirby, Zoe Ladner, Emory Ann Laseter, Isabelle Lee, Isabel Lehman, Miles Taylor Leverette, Priya Ray, Emma Roberts, Lila Robertson, Anna Claire Seago, Gibson Smith, Emery Thigpen, Ty Usey Seventh Grade Cannon Bosarge, Gibson Cheney, Joseph Ciaccio, Caroline Courtney, Rachel Beth Deaton , Morgan Dilworth, Regan Felder, Connor Gee, Sandon Guild, Reid Hewitt, Tray Holeman, Harrison Johnston, Annalee LeDuff, Clayton Mahaffey, Anna Carlisle Nichols, Anne Barret Roberson, Ashton Tate, Sarah Beth Usey, Annalee Willson

Honor Roll
Twelfth Grade Parker Alexander, Anna Douglas Almand, Smith Coleman, Brianna Cry, Natalie Ford, Chelsea Francois, Grace Gebhart, Callie Hall, Abbie Knighton, William Mitchell, Micah Morgan, Kassidy Neal, Grace Parry, Elizabeth Payne, Michael Payne, Cole Phillips, Olivia Rule, Alexander Schott, Quon Sterling-Anderson, Malon Stratton, Caroline Watson, Kayla Young Eleventh Grade Janise Bennett, Blaine Bowman, Caroline Childress, Sam Ciaccio, Kellan Clower, Kennedy Collins, Sophie Creath, Frances Anne Fortner, Cailynn Gregory, Katie Johnson, Tre Lewis, Emma Lucas, Meredith McClellan, Elizabeth McCubbins, James McLemore, Gracie Meck, Blake Mills, Kennedy Neal, Lindsey Nosef, Walker Pedigo, Luke Pitts, Baley Reed, Max Rogers, Claire Ross, Maggie Smith, Olivia Stringer, Bryant Thaxton, Sarah Grea Walker, Drake Warman, Brehan Whitehead Tenth Grade Hayden Allen, Addison Avdoyan, Lailaa Bashir, Samantha Brown, Johnny Carpenter, Ellie Brent Cartwright, Blake Fletcher, Charlie Gautier, Ariel Hayes, Thomas Iupe, Sean Lackey, Francie LeDuff, Anne Marie Lundy, Ashley Manning, Reese Overstreet, Charlotte Palmer, Tyler Pitts, Tafarri Pleas, Carneilus Powers, Walker Rippee, Will Spence, Mary Lindley Tharp, Mary Parker Williams Ninth Grade Joseph Adams, Walker Barnes, Mary Liz Black, Emily Burks, Brent Butler, Katie Carter, Yazzy Chambers, Elizabeth Childress, John Eric Clark, Kellum Clark, Ava Del Vecchio, Londyn Dorsey, Ginny Dyess, Sydney Guy, Hannah Hardee, Russell Hawkins, Trey Herrington, Ana Kelly Hontzas, William Janous, Case Kempthorne, Henry Lee, P.J. Martin, Harris McLemore, Asher Morgan, Sydney Morris, Douglas Noble, Nora Pickering, Keishun Pickett, Kayla Shepherd, Nelson Thomas, Will Travelstead, Wisdom Ware, Reed White Eighth Grade Thomas Arnold, Simms Baker, Nicholas Bryan, Mackenzie Coburn, Ava Couey, Isabelle Eiland, Stuart Fullwood, Gus Gordon, Avery Hendrick, Zharia Hill, Michael Hogue, Andrew Holmes, Hallie Gray House, Nicole Lawrence, Michael Lowe, Jonathan Lucas, Lachlan McLendon, Pryor Mehrle, Jesse Montgomery, Hensley Moulder, Thomas Nance, Anna Blake Reed, Elena Roberts, James Smith, Wes Thomas, Jack Varner, Alice Williams, Samia Wilson Seventh Grade Abigail Addison, Leah Anderson, Drew Barrentine, Jade Bennett, Barton Boyll, Anna Claire Bush, Elizabeth Castle, Jalia Coins, Madison Cotton, Davis Cress, Matthew Frost, Tye Gardner, Ferriday Rose Green, Hudson Hadley, Samuel Hadley, Ainsley Kling, Maggie Koury, Davis Lee, Parker Lowe, Daniel Martin, Molly McClure, Ford McDaniel, Kennedy McKee, Banks McNair, Hayden Parr, Will Rhodes, John Moak Scarbrough, Garrett Smith, Reed Travelstead, Natalie Turner, Banks Whittington, John Wicks, Fran Wilkirson, Drew Williams

National Junior Honor Society Inducts New Members

On Monday morning the Jackson Academy Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society inducted 13 new ninth grade members and 41 new eighth grade members. Students serving as officers and helping with the event were Nelson Thomas, Anna Katherine Ray, Kennedy Nations, Douglas Noble, Brent Butler, Nicholas Brown, Lily Grace Thigpen, and Virginia Parry.

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Second Quarter Honor Rolls

Academy Honor Roll

Twelfth Grade
Parker Alexander, Anna Douglas Almand, Alexandra Barlow, Lizzie Bowman, Mary Kathryn Brogan, Grace Cartwright, Conley Chinn, Natalie Ford, Callie Hall, Grace Herfurth, Mary Hunter Johnston, Abbie Knighton, Claire McClure, Milla McCormack, Kassidy Neal, Chloe Owens, Grace Parry, Sahil Patel, Michael Payne, Alexander Schott, Elizabeth Scott, Livvie Strickland, Phillip Talley, Mitchell Tyner, Nancy Usey, Caroline Watson, Dray Willson

Eleventh Grade
Avery Anderson, Janise Bennett, Hadley Brennan, Sam Ciaccio, Kennedy Collins, Hannah Collums, Sophie Creath, Cailynn Gregory, Lacey Irby, Will Laird, Braden Lewis, Dolph Maxwell, Gracie Meck, Blake Mills, Kennedy Neal, Allie Perkins, Emma Ward, Anna Claire Williams

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Sydney Thaxton Shares Experiences Writing First Book


Sydney and her mom Amy greet students during the book signing January 25.

Sydney Thaxton encouraged students who attended the reading and signing of her book to write about something they like. The fifth grader did just that when she wrote Dusk, her first published book. She selected a story about a dog that was inspired by her own dog, Big Girl.

Fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students gathered with fellow JA classmate and author Sydney Wednesday, January 25 as she talked about writing, signed books, and read a chapter from her work that was published in late 2016. The signing was held in the Lower School library in conjunction with the school Scholastic Book Fair.

Dusk tells the story of a Louisiana girl who is dealing with loss and the changing family dynamics that result. She finds friendship with a dog named Dusk. Copies of Dusk were available for $10 and 56 were sold. A portion of the proceeds went to purchase books for the JA Lower School library. Dog bone bookmarks were given to students to encourage reading, and dog treats were given to students to share with their pet friends.

Sydney began writing around the age of 8, but this is the first work she has completed. She said her previous attempts were good practice for writing Dusk. “I started liking it the more I did it,” she said. The book took about two months to write.

“It was hard at some points,” she explained when asked by a fellow student how difficult writing a book was. “When I started, though, it just kind of flowed to me.”

Sydney is currently working on her second book that will expand on the story of main character Phoenix Rose and her dog, Dusk. She said the sequel has lots of action and “tons of points of view.”