Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame Selects JA Baseball Head Coach


Recognizing his baseball career spanning high school, college, and professional competition as well as coaching, a selection committee representing all aspects of Mississippi sports has named Jay Powell a 2017 Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame inductee. The official induction ceremony is Saturday, August 15, 2017, at the Jackson Convention Complex.

Powell joined the JA coaching staff in 2005 and is entering his tenth season as head coach of the JA Raiders baseball team. He led the Raiders to a state MAIS title in 2011, prompting the Mississippi Legislature to honor the team with a resolution for an extraordinary season.

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JA Swimmers Take Overall Championship

Earn Second in Elementary Division


The Jackson Academy Swim Team once again has shown that we’re simply better together! JA swimmers won the MAIS Overall Championship last week as they have every year but once since 1977. The Overall Championship was awarded to JA for the most points in first through twelfth grades. In the elementary division, JA brought home a second place trophy.


swim-individualsFor first through third place individual and relay placements, continue reading. Special congratulations to senior Malon Stratton who broke her own record this year and graduates holding seven MAIS swim records.









First-Third Grade Boys

Boys 100-Yard Freestyle Relay and 100-yard Medley Relay
First place: Baird Kennedy, Parker Orr, Walter Towery, and Cam Walker

Boys 100 IM
First place: Cam Walker

Boys 25 Backstroke
First place: Walter Towery

Boys 25 Freestyle
Second place: Baird Kennedy

Boys 25 Butterfly
First place: Baird Kennedy

Boys 25-Yard Breaststroke
Third place: Walter Towery

Boys 50-Yard Freestyle
Third place: Cam Walker

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Don’t Miss JA at the Village on August 23


Highland Village and Jackson Academy will kick off a fun, new gathering for the JA community August 23! JA will converge on the courtyard of Highland Village for a live Raider Network broadcast featuring all things JA with Bryan Eubank. Buffalo Peak Outfitters, the sponsor of the first live broadcast, will provide offers for attendees and a giveaway valued at $150.

Broadcasts are scheduled for each Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. from August 23-November 1, except for October 18. Pre-broadcast activities by Highland Village begin at 4:30 p.m. Each week, Highland Village will offer discounts to different stores or restaurants, as well as food, music, and games.

JA academic divisions, athletic teams, spirit teams, bands, JAA, Booster Club, and performing groups can use this as an opportunity to perform and to promote their activities and upcoming events through interviews with Bryan Eubank.

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